Ms-Excel Features

The applications that simulate an accountant's worksheet on screen and let you embed hidden formula that performs calculation on the visible data. It is a matrix of columns and rows that form an electronic spreadsheet where user can make calculation and other operation.
Data analysis, graphical analysis, statistical analysis, calculation database management system etc.

  • Workbook:   a workbook is the excel file, in which you work and store your data. The workbook can contain many sheets where user can organize various kinds of related information in a single file.
  • Chart sheet:   a sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart that is linked to worksheet data and is updated when the worksheet data changes.
  • Active sheet:   the current working sheet of the workbook. The name on the tab of the active sheet is bold.
  • Worksheet:  the primary store and work with data area of the workbook is called worksheet. A worksheet consists of cells organized into columns and rows and is always part of a workbook and is also called a spreadsheet.
  • Mouse shortcut menu: a menu that show the most useful commands for the item by pressing mouse secondary button. Among items for which you can display a shortcut menu are selected rows, columns, and cells; worksheet buttons and text boxes etc. or press SHIFT+F10.
  • Linked object: object or information created in one file and inserted into another file while maintaining a connection between the two files. The linked object in the destination file that is automatically updated when the source file is updated. A linked object does not become part of the destination file.
  • Source program: the program used to create a linked object or embedded object. The source program must be installed on you computer to edit the object.
  • Embedded object:  information of object inserted into a file. once embedded, the object becomes part of the destination file. When you double-click an embedded object, it opens in the source program in which it was created. Any changes you make to the embedded object are reflected in the destination file.
  • Data series: a group of related data points plotted in a chart that originates from rows or columns on a single datasheet. Each data series in a chart has a unique color or pattern. You can plot one or more data series in a chart.
  • OLE: a program-integration technology you can use to share information between programs. All of the office programs support OLE, so you can share information through linked and embedded objects.

Cell & Range references
The set of coordinates that a cell occupies on a worksheet is called call reference. Or it is the reference of the cell that appears at the intersection of column and row is called cell reference.
A reference identifies a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and tells Microsoft excel where to look for the values or data you want to use in a formula

Relative cell reference
A cell reference, such as A1, that tells excel how to find another cell by starting from the cell that contains the formula. The cell reference will be changed according to the copying cell formula from one location to another location.

Absolute cell reference
In a formula, the exact address of a cell, regardless of the position of the cell that contains the formula. An absolute reference takes the form $A$1, $B$1, and so on. The cell reference will not be changed as the copying cell formula from one location to another location.

Mixed cell reference
A cell reference, such as $A1, A$1 is called mixed reference & it is the combination of absolute & relative reference. In this reference, only one reference will be changed while coping formula to another location.

3-D reference
When the source worksheets have different layout and different data labels, or you want to create a custom layout or use custom summary formula for a consolidation, use 3-D references. 3-D references are updated automatically whenever the source data changes.
Example : sum(sheet1!b4,sheet2!b5)
This formula combines the data from a different cell location on each of two-source worksheet. There are three reference are used such as row, column, or sheet.

A program you write or record that stores a series of excel commands that can later use as a single command. Macros can automate complex tasks and reduce the number of steps required to complete tasks that you perform frequently. Macros are recorded in the visual basic for applications programming language.

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