File Menu:
New, Open, close, save, save as, save as web page, save workspace, web page preview, page setup, print area, print preview, print, send to , properties, exit.
Edit Menu:
Undo, repeat, cut, copy, paste, paste special, paste as hyperlink, fill, clear delete, delete sheet, move or copy sheet, find, replace, go to, links, object.
View Menu:
Insert Menu:
Cells, rows, columns, work sheet, chart, page breaks, function, name, comment, picture, object, hyperlinks.
Format Menu:
Cell, row, columns, sheet, auto format, conditional formatting, style.
Tools Menu:
Spelling, auto correct, share workbook, track changes, merge workbook, protection online collaborations, goal seek, scenarios, audition macro, add ins, customize, option.
Data Menu:
Sort, filer, form, subtotals, validation, table, text to columns, consolidate, group and outline, pivot and table, pivot chart report, get external data, refresh data.
Window Menu:
New window, arrange, hide, unhide, split, freeze panes.
Standard toolbar:
Auto sum, paste function, sort ascending, sort descending.
Formatting toolbar:
Merge and center, curacy style, percent style, comma, and style, increase decimal, decrease decimal.
Ms-Excel Menu Contains:
- File menu
- Edit menu
- View menu
- Insert menu
- Format menu
- Tools menu
- Data menu
- Window menu
[Note: mainly all of the functions of Ms-excel is same as the function of excel except the following. So we emphasize the following things in different menus.]
Save Workspace: It saves a list of the open workbooks, their sizes, and their positions on the screen to a workspace file so that the screen will look the same next time we open the workspace file.
Fill Down: It copies the contents & formats of the topmost cell of selected range into cell below.
Fill Right: It copies the contents & formats of the leftmost cell or cells of a selected range into the cells to the right.
Fill Up: It copies the contents & formats of the bottom cell or cells of a selected range into the upper cells of the range.
Fill Left: It copies the contents and formats of the rightmost cell or cells of a selected range into the cells to the left.
Fill Series: It fills the selected range of cells with one or more series of numbers or data.
Fill Justify: It redistributes the text contents of cells to fill the selected range.
Across Worksheets: It copies the contents of the range of cells selected on the active worksheet to the same range of cells on all the other selected sheets in a group.
Delete: It removes the selected data & object
Delete Sheet: It deletes the selected sheets from the workbook permanently.
Move Or Copy Sheet: It moves or copies the selected sheets to another workbook or to different location within the same workbook.
Clear All : It removes all cell contents & formatting, including comments & hyperlinks, from selected cells.
Formats: It removes only the cell formats from selected cells.
Contents: It removes cell contents from selected cells without affecting cell formats or comments.
Comments: It removes only comments attached to selected cells; cell contents & formats are unchanged.
Normal: It switches to normal view, which is the default view for most tasks in Microsoft excel, such as entering data, filtering, charting, and formatting.
Page Break Preview: It switches the active worksheet to page break preview, which is an editing view that displays you worksheet as it will print. In page break preview, you can move age breaks by dragging hem left, right, up, or down. Microsoft excel automatically scales the worksheet to fit the columns and rows to the page.
Formula Bar: It displays or hides the formula bar.
Status Bar: It shows or hides the status bar.
Header & Footer: It adds or changes the text that appears at the top and bottom of every page or slide.
Comments: It turns display of comments on the worksheet on or off.
Custom Views: It creates different vies of a worksheet. A view provides an easy way to see your data with different display options.
Insert Cells: It inserts the number of cells, rows, or columns you selected.
Insert Rows: It inserts the number of cells, rows, or columns you select.
Insert Column: It inserts the number of cells, rows, or columns you select.
Worksheet: It inserts a new worksheet to the left of the selected sheet.
Chart Wizard: It starts the chart wizard, which guides you through the steps for creating an embedded chart on a worksheet or modifying an existing chart.
Page Break: It inserts/ remove a page break above a selected cell.
Function: It displays a list of functions & their formats & allows you to set values for arguments.
Cells: It applies formats to the selected cells.
Height: It changes the height of the selected rows.
Width: It changes he width of the selected columns.
Auto Format: It applies a built-in combination of formats, called an autoformat, to a cell range or a pivot table.
Conditional Formatting: It applies formats to selected cells that meet specific criteria based on values or formulas you specify.
Lock Cell: It prevents selected cells from being changed, moved, resized, or deleted.
Style: It defines or applies to the selection a combination of formats, called a style.
AutoFit Selection: It adjusts the column width/ row height to the minimum necessary to display the contents of the selected cells.
Format/sheet/Background: It inserts a tiled graphic image in the worksheet background, based on the bitmap you select.
Shared Workbooks: It switches to shared workbook mode, which allows you & other users on your network to edit & save changes to the same workbook.
Highlight Changes: It highlights changes to cell contents in a shared workbook, including moved and pasted contents and inserted and deleted rows and columns.
Protect Sheet: It prevents changes to cell on worksheets, items in a chart, graphic objects on a worksheet.
Protect Workbook: It protects a workbook's structure and windows. You can prevent changes to the structure of a workbook so that sheets can't be deleted, moved, hidden, unhidden, or renamed, and new sheets can't be inserted.
Protect for Sharing: It protects the sharing and change history tracking in a shared workbook so the features can't be turned off. When the active shared workbook is protected, the command name changes to unprotect for sharing.
Goal Seek: It adjusts the value in a specified cell until a formula that is dependent on that cell reaches a target value.
Scenarios: It creates and saves scenarios, which are sets of data you can use to view the results of what if analyses.
Trace Precedents: It draws tracer arrows from the cells that supply values directly to the formula in the active cell.
Trace Dependents: It draws a tracer arrow to the active cell from formulas that depend on the valued in the active cell.
Add-Ins: It specifies which add-ins is available automatically when you start Microsoft excel.
Sort: It arranges the information in selected rows or lists alphabetically, numerically, or by data.
AutoFilter: The quickest way to select only those items you want to display in a list.
Advanced Filter: It filters data in a list so that only the rows that meet a condition you specify by using a criteria range are displayed.
Form: It displays a data form in a dialog box. You can use the data form to see, change, add, delete, and find records in a list or database.
Subtotals: It calculates subtotal and grand total values for the labeled columns you select.
Validation: It defines what data is valid for individual cells or cell ranges; restricts the data entry to a particular type, such as whole numbers, decimal numbers, or text; and sets limits on the valid entries.
Table: It creates a data based on input values and formulas you define. Data tables can be used to show the results of changing values in your formulas.
Convert Text to Columns: It separates text in one cell on a worksheet into columns by using the convert text to columns wizard.
Consolidate: It summarizes the data from one or more source areas and displays it in a table.
PivotTable Report: It starts the PivotTable wizard, which guides you through creating or modifying a pivot table. The summary of data will display in the tabular format.
Group: It defines the selected rows or columns of detail data as a group inn an outline, so you can summarize the data.
Ungroup: It removes selected rows or columns from a group on an outlined worksheet.
Get External data: It imports data from other database programs.
Refresh Data: It updates the data in a pivot table if the source data has changed.
Freeze Panes: It freezes the top pane, the left pane, or both on the active worksheet.
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