Components of Ms-Word

Title Bar
The top position of window that tells the application package is currently running and which document is currently open.
Menu Bar
The bar where different commands and sub commands are available for the different operation during the documentation process.
Status bar
The bottom part of word window which gives page no, line no, position of the document.
Recent document list
The word helps track of previously opened document and assign them in bottom part of file menu.
Hot spot
The location on the word application window where user can perform certain operation by double clicking mouse button such locations are status bar, vertical ruler, horizontal ruler etc.
Mouse shortcut menu
The menu appears on the working area where user presses the mouse secondary button.
A sequence of word repetitive actions that you can record or write I the form of Visual Basic for application code.
An interactive help utility is developed by Microsoft company which guides the user through each step of multi step operation offering helpful information and explaining option along the way.
The template is a readymade format that includes text or formula needed create standardized document. The template can be used to automate the creation of these documents in the future use.

Most Common Ms-Word Useful toolbars
Standard Toolbar
The toolbar contains various commands that are used for various major operation of the documentation process.
Buttons (Commands)
New, Open, Save, Print, Spelling, cut ,copy , paste, format, printer, undo, redo, send, insert table, insert hyperlink, column, table and border, document map and zoom.
Formatting Toolbar
The toolbar contains various commands for the formatting operation in the document.
Style, font, size, italic, bold, underline, left align, center align, right align, justify, bullets, numbering, decrease indents, increase indents, boarder, font color, highlight.
Drawing Toolbar
The toolbar contains various commands for the drawing objects and enhancing it in the document.
Draw, select object, free rotate, auto shape, line, arrow, rectangle, oval, textbox, insert word art, fill color, line color, font color, line style, dash style, arrow style, shadow, 3D.
Picture toolbar
The toolbar contains various commands to enhance the picture in the document.
Insert picture, image control, contrast, brightness, crop, line style, text wrapping, format object, set transparent color, reset picture.

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